Isabelle Pochard

Maître de conférences, HDR

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Short biography

Isabelle Pochard was born in Pontarlier (France) in 1972. She obtained her PhD in physical chemistry from University of Franche-Comté (Besançon, France) in 1999, and was working thereafter as a postdoc at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières, Center for Research in Pulp and Paper, Canada. In 2000, she became associate professor at the University of Bourgogne (Dijon, France) where she obtained her HDR (docent) in 2012. In 2012-2013, she was a visiting researcher for one year at the Angström Laboratory (Uppsala University, Sweden) in the Nanotechnology and Functional Materials department headed by Maria Strömme. Since fall 2014, she is a researcher at UTINAM laboratory, Besançon (France). She was invited professor for two months at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) in the group of Pr Jonathan Veinot. Her research interests are focused on the physical chemistry of colloidal particles in aqueous media and their casting for functional materials. She is co-author of 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings.


Graduated level : quantum chemistry, thermodynamic, kinetics, fluid mechanics, crystallography, inorganic chemistry, solution chemistry
Master level : polyelectrolytes in solution, ionic correlation forces, advanced materials


Colloidal chemistry

The huge specific surface area of colloidal particles is responsible for the well-known high reactivity at the particle / liquid interface. Besides, the fields of applications of colloidal systems are widespread. One may cite paints, inks, paper pulp, cement pastes, oil drilling fluids, ceramics, coatings, membranes, sol-gel as industrial applications or water and soil treatments for environmental issues. In this context, my research activities are motivated by the scientific challenge of understanding the physico-chemical phenomena occurring at the interface between a colloidal particle (soft or hard, inorganic or organic) and its dispersing solution (mainly aqueous). We aim at building new materials with outstanding properties. These materials may be composite coatings made of colloidal particles embedded in films or mesoporous materials.

Advanced materials

On the basis of our fundamental knowledge of colloidal systems, we aim at building new materials with outstanding properties. These materials may be composite coatings made of colloidal particles embedded in films, deposited either by electrophoresis or by atomic layer deposition. These composite coatings present original properties compared to the simple film, like optical or conducting properties. We are also developing mesoporous materials of interest for drug delivery or moisture control.


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